Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs)

What is a Venture Capital Trust (VCT)?

A Venture Capital Trust is a company that's publicly listed, usually on the London Stock Exchange, with the primary purpose of investing in smaller, early-stage companies that are not publicly traded. Managed by professional fund managers, VCTs aim to offer investors the potential for high returns, similar to private equity investments, along with specific tax benefits.

Key Features of Venture Capital Trusts

Types of Companies

VCTs focus on investing in smaller companies that are often in their growth phase. These companies are usually not listed on any stock exchange and are considered higher-risk investments compared to well-established firms.

Investment Structure

When you invest in a VCT, you're essentially buying shares of that VCT, much like you would buy shares in any other publicly listed company. The VCT then uses the pooled funds from all its investors to invest in a range of smaller companies.


One of the strengths of VCTs is that they typically invest in a diversified portfolio of companies. This spreads the investment risk across various sectors and stages of business development, offering a layer of protection to investors.

Benefits of Using Venture Capital Trusts

Income Tax Relief

One of the most attractive features of VCTs is the ability to claim back 30% of the cost of your VCT shares against your income tax bill, as long as you hold onto the shares for a minimum of five years.

Tax-Free Dividends

Another benefit is that any dividends you receive from your VCT investment are tax-free, adding to the overall return on your investment.

Capital Gains Tax Exemption

If you decide to sell your VCT shares after holding them for at least five years, any profit you make from the sale is exempt from Capital Gains Tax.

Age and Investment Limits

  • Age Limits: You need to be at least 18 years old to invest in a VCT.
  • Investment Limits: The maximum amount you can invest in VCTs in a single tax year while still receiving income tax relief is £200,000.

Tax Rules in the United Kingdom

  • Income Tax: You can claim 30% income tax relief on VCT investments up to £200,000 per tax year.
  • Capital Gains Tax: Any gains made from selling your VCT shares are tax-free, provided you've held them for at least five years.
  • Dividend Income: Dividends received from VCT shares are tax-free.

Additional Considerations

  • Risk: VCTs are high-risk investments. They invest in smaller, less established companies, which means there's a greater chance of losing money.
  • Liquidity: VCT shares are often less easy to sell quickly compared to shares in larger, publicly traded companies.
  • Complexity: The rules around VCTs can be complicated and are subject to change, making it crucial to stay updated and seek professional advice.

Venture Capital Trusts in the United Kingdom

Venture Capital Trusts offer a unique blend of potential high returns and significant tax benefits. However, they are not without risks and complexities. For more information or to discuss your individual circumstances, feel free to contact us.


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Note: This page is for information purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Always consult an Independent Financial Adviser for personalised financial advice tailored to your individual circumstances.